I am a semi-retired Coach with a wide and varied background, including ex-military, former security, and construction, along with being a naturally handy person. My construction experience includes but is not limited to welding and plastering. I have rescued several dogs along the way and enjoy them as companions. I am a straight-forward person with a passion for experiencing all life has to offer. I also speak a wide variety of languages, including French, German, South African, Flemish, English, etc.
A minha experiência
Animais favoritos
🐶 cães 🐱 gatos
Destinos favoritos :
Portugal, Austrália, Europa,
Eu sei como cuidar de um jardim
Conhecimentos sobre jardinagem : SIM
Instalações e equipamentos desejados
Línguas faladas :
Francês, Inglês, Alemão, Português,
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