I wish to visit my elderly mother who welcomes my visits as l live in France and she lives in Milton Keynes UK. As l am retired, my few resources are used to travel to England but accommodation is quite expensive. Therefore,l would be very happy to look after a house and take care of animals while owners are off to their holidays.
Je serai heureuse de m'occuper d'animaux ainsi que du domicile d'une famille qui réside en Angleterre, ma mère habitant à Milton Keynes, ce qui me permettrait d'aller lui rendre visite pendant mon (mes) home-sitting.
La mia esperienza
Animali preferiti
🐶 Cani 🐱 Gatti 🐦 Uccelli 🐠 Pesci
Destinazioni preferite:
Regno Unito,
So come prendermi cura di un giardino
Capacità di giardinaggio: SÌ
Strutture e attrezzature desiderate
Lingue parlate:
Francese, Inglese, Spagnolo,
Altre foto visibili solo agli utenti di M'sitting.
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