Hey, I'm a pet owner with over 30 years of experience. I've been looking after cats (my own and my parents' since I was 18. My current cat, Memory, is 15 years old and looking like a teenager:) I'm also a dog lover and have done dog minding my friends, including house sitting for over a month. I'm a teacher and I do know how love and discipline work in sync if you want to have a great relationship with a dog or a cat:) I'm a nature and walking lover, so I'm a good match for any active dog. As a cat and dog lover, teacher and mother, I'm kind, empathic, cuddly and very patient:) What more could you want for your pet!
My Experience
2 stays as a house sitter
Favorite animals
🐶 Dogs 🐱 Cats
Favorite destinations:
France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Europe,
I know how to take care of a garden
Gardening skills: YES
Desired facilities and equipment
Internet. Washing machine.
Spoken languages:
English, Spanish,
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