
House sitter in Maracay, Girardot Municipality, Aragua, Venezuela

Charlietraveller, Home sitter Maracay Venezuela
Contact  charlietraveller - (charlietraveller)
No children

Dates when I will be available

Flexible dates

Periods of the year when I might be available

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December,


Hola mi nombre es Carlos y soy una persona alegre y tranquila. Siempre me ha gustado viajar y vivir en diferentes países y mis hobbies son leer, me encantan los gatos y perros, jardinería y cocinar. He tenido varios negocios, pero ahora estoy buscando inspiración para escribir.Me encantaría cuidar de una casa con sus mascotas y ayudar en su cuidado.
Hello, my name is Carlos. I am a quiet, friendly person who likes travelling and living in different countries. I have many other hobbies as reading books. love cats and dogs, I like cooking and gardening. Before I had different business but right now I am focused on writing and looking for new inspiration. I would love to take care of a house with cats, dogs...I speak only Spanish even though I understand Italian, hope to hear from you soon!!!

My Experience


Favorite animals

Dogs, Cats, Birds,

Favorite destinations:

France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Ireland, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Europe, South America,

I know how to take care of a garden

Gardening skills: YES

Desired facilities and equipment

Internet. Washing machine.

Spoken languages:

Additional photos visible only to M'sitting members. Sign up to see all photos.

Confidence index : 2/10

Documents provided

Proof of identity: NO
Proof of residence: NO
Criminal record extract: NO
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