I am homeless (by choice,) but I do not want to be houseless. When you want to go away, I can come in and monitor your home and belongings. I am a retired gentleman (clergy/musician and bookdealer). I am trustworthy, honest, and reliable. I have years of maintaining houses. References available. I cannot sit indoor pets (allergies), but outdoor pets okay. I offer a full resumé and a contract/agreement form. I will also give you a homeowner's checklist that you can use with me and all future sitters. I will treat your home as if it were mine. I will be pleased to hear from you. Thank you for your consideration.
My Experience
Favorite animals
Favorite destinations:
France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe,
I know how to take care of a garden
Gardening skills: YES
Desired facilities and equipment
Spoken languages:
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